Oil Painting escapes and Light Bridge by OilPaintingWorkshop.com

Oil Painting escapes and Light Bridge by OilPaintingWorkshop.com

Oil Painting escapes and Light Bridge by OilPaintingWorkshop.com is great for an artist to learn as they can apply this cool tip to their paintings! Oil Painting escapes and Light Bridge by OilPaintingWorkshop.com may just add that certain sparkle that you are looking for in your paintings. Watch Oil Painting escapes and Light Bridge by OilPaintingWorkshop.com now and learn a few more useful tips and tricks which may just be the key to take your art to a higher level!

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Daniel Edmondson discusses a little know concept in painting about light bridging and escapes for better pictures. Subscribe to his tips and get info about classes click on link above. In this video entitled: "Oil Painting escapes and Light Bridge by OilPaintingWorkshop.com" artist Daniel Edmondson teaches us how to manipulate light bridges to bring out the best in every painting! Various details on this technique are discussed in this video which could captivate the viewers of your paintings making them wander through endlessly, a technique utilized by veteran and of that the old masters as well.


  1. Hello Daniel - I've just watched your video about light bridges, and wow! This can be applied no matter what you are trying to do, and I mean with Photoshop as well, which I use for my craft web-site, and for having a lot of creative fun too!
    So thanks for that.
    I don't know if I should say the website address? Can you help me out over that please?

  2. No problem on the tip M4 Ideas. You could send us emails on dan@danieledmondson.com and we'll see what we can do for you. We're currently having a huge influx of emails so it may take time to reply. It's good to know that you enjoyed the light bridges tip. There are more videos on oilpaintingworkshop (YouTube channel) Thanks again and take care

  3. Really a nice video, I learned some new technique form this video.
    fine art oil paintings
